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The gospel is the good news about the person and work of Jesus Christ. But in order to rightly understand who Jesus is and what He did we need to understand who God is, who we are, and why Jesus had to come. A good way to summarize and explain the gospel is God … Man … Christ … Response…


God: There is one true God who has eternally existed in three Persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is perfectly holy, righteous, just, and glorious. He created and sustains the universe and everything in it.


Man: Out of all of God’s creation He created man in His own image, male and female He created them to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever by living in perfect relationship with Him. But, man fell from his created design when he believed the lie of Satan, God’s enemy, and rebelled against God. Through this act of disobedience sin entered into the world and death along with it. Now all men are born sinners by nature and are in a state of helplessness and hopelessness. Because God is perfect and just, He cannot allow sin to go unpunished, therefore every man and woman is storing up wrath for themselves that God will pour out on them for eternity in a place called hell.


Christ: But God, because of the great love with which He loved us and for His glory, sent His own Son, Jesus the Christ to live the life we were created to live, die the death we deserve to die, take the punishment for our sins upon Himself on the cross, and rise from the grave on the third day to conquer sin, Satan, death, hell, and satisfy the just wrath of God for all those who will repent of their sins and trust in Christ as their Lord and Savior.


Response: The Word of God tells us that Christ did in fact come and complete this work which now leaves us with the choice to respond in repentance and faith or to remain dead in our trespasses and sins continuing down the road to eternal damnation. All those who respond to the gospel in repentance and faith will be saved from their sins and reconciled to God. How will you respond?


Please watch the video below:

The Story of God

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